Lionsgate wants to make more Twilight features, and they don't care that the story ended with the third novel. They're considering everything from further movies to a TV show. I understand that the studio needs cash, but the statements made by the Lionsgate CEO sound like such cheap shilling.
“It's hard for me to imagine a movie that does $700 million-plus doesn't have ongoing value."
Wow. Feel the passion! Was this stupid series so popular with YA readers due to its value? 3 posts ago, I wrote about studios' self-defeating obsession with names, and that's at play here. Maybe they'll just wait 4 years, then remake the whole trilogy.
If you want an example of real passion, look no further than the new video that combines Star Wars scenes reenacted and filmed by fans of the original movie. Casey Pugh began crowd-sourcing for a collectively fan-made remake 2 years ago.
People responded, and this excellent idea took off. The various scenes have been spliced together, giving us a fan-made version of the whole picture. It's incredible to see how inspirational a Lucas film could be.