Monday, November 5, 2012

How It Should've Ended: TDKR

The semi-geniuses over at How It Should Have Ended made a fun new entry at the end of August - they gave The Dark Knight Rises their unique, clever treatment, just like they did to The Avengers in June.

Once again, this work neatly points out flaws, plot problems, and other little quirks in Nolan's last Batman installment. It made me laugh a bit, and I think it'll do the same for you. Click below and enjoy, then check out this bonus scene, which the HISHE crew made shortly after.

Maybe it's not great; I could be wrong. What's most likely is that I was completely won over by the very first joke - it strikes at the heart of something weird about The Dark Knight Rises (Bruce Wayne's identity being known so freely), while also making the perfect comment on it (Batman is frustrated enough to freak out, yet still tries to score with a hottie). For whatever reason, this struck me just the right way. I hope it does to you, too. xoxo Half a Film Student


  1. I saw this earlier. It's really funny. I found the Clark Kent thing hilarious.

    1. Yeah, I couldn't post this earlier because I had so many great fan-made gems lately. I loved last week's photography gem, and the Romney Posters and Bad Lip Reading had to go up before the elections...

      Yeah, Clark is hilarious. They really do tend to write their characters smartly... I also liked Bane with about 700 darts sticking out of him.

  2. "I was going to save it for later. But then I thought [long pause] 'Now's good.'"

    Dude's breathless Batman voice makes this video.

    1. Hahaha, damn right! And yet my favorite moment is still him trying to impress Kitty Goggles, then failing, then still trying to work it. Glorious...


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