Monday, February 11, 2013

Id-iology Is Out on DVD, Does Me a Kindness

A while back, I reviewed a fine indie movie called Id-iology. It was a complicated film with a lot of depth, although it delves into the psychological darks spots of 5 or 6 people, so it's at times quite unpleasant. The director is obviously smart (and classy, my screener came with a handwritten letter), and I was happy to review a more difficult and mature picture with a thesis and themes and whatnot...

So today, I'm happy to tell you two things: first, that Id-iology is available to purchase through Amazon's UK website, with the possibility of it becoming available in other regions, depending on the demand... Secondly, he quotes me in the promo video that was posted to Youtube!

It's just a snippet from my review, but I am very flattered. You should see the trailer, too:

I wish this movie and Mr. Terran a lot of success, and I look forward to seeing his future work. It's a thoughtful a film, so instead of being put off by people mired in emotional ugliness, you should give it leeway and think about it. Watch Id-iology - if you need convincing, you can just read the review I wrote last year for Man, I Love Films...

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